Correct Insulin Injection Technique

Correct Insulin Injection Technique

As a person with diabetes who takes insulin, I understand that injecting insulin can seem daunting, especially if you’re new to it. But, with the right technique, it can become a straightforward part of your diabetes management routine. 

Here’s how I’ve mastered the correct insulin injection technique over the years.

Preparation Steps

Before injecting, gather your supplies: insulin, a syringe or pen, alcohol swabs, and a sharps disposal container. Inspect your insulin to ensure it’s not expired, discolored, or clumpy. Also, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent infection.

Choosing the Right Injection Site

Rotating injection sites is crucial to avoid lipohypertrophy, a thickened area under the skin caused by repeated injections at the same site. I rotate between my abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. I make sure to avoid injecting near my belly button, scars, or any site that’s red or swollen.

Drawing Up Insulin

If you’re using a syringe, roll the insulin vial between your hands to warm and mix it, especially if it’s cloudy insulin. Inject air equal to your insulin dose into the vial, then draw up the correct amount. Double-check your dose before removing the syringe.

The Injection Process

Clean the injection site with an alcohol swab and wait for it to dry. With one hand, pinch up some skin and fat. With your other hand, hold the syringe or pen at a 90-degree angle and swiftly insert the needle. Release the pinched skin, then slowly press the plunger down to inject the insulin. Count to ten before pulling the needle out to ensure all the insulin is delivered.

After the Injection

Once the insulin is injected, dispose of the used needle or pen safely in a sharps container. Never reuse needles or pens as this can lead to infection or injury.

Correct Insulin Injection Technique

Tips for Reducing Injection Pain

Experiencing some discomfort during injections is common. To minimize this, I ensure my insulin is at room temperature. Injecting cold insulin can be painful. Also, I don’t reuse needles; a dull needle can cause more pain than a sharp one.

Seeking Help When Needed

When I first started insulin injections, I wasn’t afraid to seek help. Your healthcare team is there to guide you. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re unsure about anything.


Mastering the correct insulin injection technique took some practice and patience. But now, it’s a routine part of my diabetes management. Remember, it’s perfectly okay to ask for help when you need it, and always consult with your healthcare provider when making decisions about your diabetes care. 

And don’t forget, your extra supplies can make a difference – consider selling them at

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