Why is My Dog on Insulin Still Drinking a Lot 

Why is My Dog on Insulin Still Drinking a Lot? 

When you discover that your beloved canine companion has diabetes, it’s a journey of understanding, adjusting, and managing. A common observation that many dog owners make after starting their dogs on insulin therapy is increased thirst. If you’re wondering, “Why is my dog on insulin and still drinking a lot?”, you’re not alone. This post will delve into the reasons and solutions for this behavior.

Diabetes and Thirst

First and foremost, let’s understand diabetes. At its core, diabetes in dogs is a disorder where the body can’t effectively use sugar (glucose) due to a lack of insulin or insulin resistance. When the blood sugar levels are elevated, the kidneys go into overdrive to expel this excess sugar through urine. 

This is why diabetic dogs tend to urinate more. To compensate for this fluid loss, the dog drinks more water, leading to increased thirst.

High Blood Sugar Levels

Even if your dog is on insulin, it doesn’t always mean that their blood sugar levels are consistently regulated. There are moments when these levels might spike. These high sugar levels can lead to the cycle of increased urination and, consequently, increased thirst. An essential part of managing diabetes is monitoring blood sugar levels and ensuring they remain within a healthy range.

Challenges with Insulin Resistance

Sometimes, a dog’s body might resist the effects of insulin. This resistance can be due to various reasons such as obesity, chronic infections, or other hormonal disorders. If your dog’s body isn’t responding to the insulin as it should, it means that the blood sugar remains unregulated, leading again to increased thirst.

Other Health Concerns

While diabetes might be a primary concern, dogs, like humans, can have multiple health issues simultaneously. Conditions like Cushing’s disease, kidney disease, or other bacterial infections might be playing a role in your dog’s excessive thirst. It’s essential to consider these conditions, especially if your dog’s diabetes seems to be well-managed.

Why is My Dog on Insulin Still Drinking a Lot

Taking the Right Steps

If you notice your dog drinking excessively despite being on insulin:

Regular Monitoring: Keep a log of your dog’s water intake and urination. This can provide valuable insights into patterns or changes.

Veterinarian Visits: Regularly consult with your vet. If the excessive thirst continues or there are other concerning symptoms, it might be time for a more detailed check-up or blood work.

Dietary Management: Ensure your dog is on a balanced diet, suitable for diabetic dogs. The right nutrition can make a world of difference in managing the condition.

Exercise: A regular exercise routine can help in better diabetes management and might alleviate some symptoms.


Managing diabetes in dogs is a commitment, one filled with learning and adapting. It’s essential to stay vigilant and observe your dog’s behavior and symptoms closely. While increased thirst might be concerning, understanding its causes and working with your veterinarian ensures that your furry friend stays healthy and happy. 

Always remember that you’re not on this journey alone; there’s a community of pet owners and professionals who understand your concerns and are there to support you.

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