Is it Legal to Sell Diabetic Test Strips

Is it Legal to Sell Diabetic Test Strips?

If you have extra unused diabetic test strips, you might be thinking, is it legal to sell diabetic test strips? Understanding the legal and ethical considerations surrounding the sale of test strips.

The AADE (American Association of Diabetes Educators) survey discovered that 70% of sellers were not aware of the FDA’s regulations regarding the sale of test strips.

Whether you are a person with diabetes looking to sell diabetes test strips or an entrepreneur considering entering the market. This article will provide valuable insights into the legalities of this industry, how to sell test strips safely and ethically, and potential risks and drawbacks to consider.

Can You Sell Diabetic Test Strips?

The short answer is Yes. But these are some factors to consider:

Federal Law

Under federal law, it is generally legal to sell diabetic test strips. If you are selling unused diabetic test strips that you have purchased for personal use, it is likely legal.

However, selling test strips to make a profit or as part of a business may be considered illegal.

State Law

In addition to federal law, each state has laws regarding selling unused test strips. Some states have laws specifically addressing the sale of test strips, while others may have broader laws that could apply.

It is important to familiarize yourself with the laws in your state before selling test strips.

FDA Guidelines

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the sale of diabetic test strips. Ensure that you must make the sale of diabetic test strips by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations.

Selling diabetic test strips is generally legal, but you must follow federal and state laws and FDA guidelines to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal consequences.

Here are FDA’s specific guidelines that must be followed:

  1. The FDA does not regulate the sale of unused diabetic test strips.
  2. However, the FDA requires that all medical devices, including diabetic test strips, must have a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider to ensure their safety and effectiveness.
  3. Selling unused diabetic test strips without a prescription is illegal and can be considered a violation of federal law.
  4. It is important to purchase diabetic test strips from a reputable source, such as a pharmacy or medical supply company, to ensure their quality and accuracy.
  5. The FDA recommends that people with diabetes not sell unused test strips, as this can lead to the risk of using expired or damaged strips, resulting in inaccurate blood sugar readings and potentially harmful health consequences.
  6. Some states have laws that regulate the resale of diabetic test strips, and sellers should be aware of any state-specific requirements or regulations.
  7. Generally, it is always best to consult with a healthcare provider or diabetes educator regarding the proper use and disposal of diabetic test strips.

It is important to note that selling test strips without FDA clearance or violating other regulatory requirements is illegal. It can result in enforcement actions by the FDA, including fines and criminal penalties.

How To Sell Test Strips Safely and Ethically

To sell test strips ethically and ensure transparency, fairness, and compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Before selling diabetic test strips, follow these guidelines to ensure that you’re selling them safely and ethically:

1. Verify That The Test Strips Are Accurate

Test strips can expire or become less accurate over time, so it is important to ensure that the test strips you sell are still accurate and safe to use. You should also check the expiration date to ensure that the test strips are not past or near their expiry date.

2. Disclose All Relevant Information

When selling test strips, it is important to be transparent about the condition and age of the test strips. You should disclose relevant information, such as the expiry date and the number of test strips included in the sale.

3. Set A Fair Price

Test strips are expensive, so setting a fair price is important. While it may be tempting to charge a high price, it’s important to remember that many people rely on these unused test strips to manage their diabetes and can’t pay a high price.

4. Follow All Applicable Laws And Regulations

As mentioned above, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations surrounding the sale of test strips in your state and to follow them. It may include obtaining necessary licenses or permits, paying taxes, and following other requirements.

Risks and Drawbacks to Consider

Important: You must be aware of potential legal, ethical, and personal risks before selling diabetic test strips.

There are some potential risks and drawbacks also while selling diabetic test strips. Have a quick read to them also:

Is it Legal to Sell Diabetic Test Strips?

•  Legal Risks

The sale of test strips can be subject to various laws and regulations. You could face fines, legal action, or other consequences if you violate these laws.

•  Ethical Concerns

Moreover, some people also sell expired or outdated test strips on online marketplaces like eBay. It is ethically wrong, as their readings could be inaccurate, resulting in more damage to health.

• Personal Risks

If you sell test strips online or through social media, you may expose yourself to personal risks such as identity theft or fraud. It is important to be cautious when sharing personal information or making transactions online.

Alternatives To Selling Test Strips

  1. Donate them to a charitable organization: Several non-profit organizations accept donations of unused diabetic test strips and distribute them to people who cannot afford to buy them.
  2. Give them to friends or family: If you know someone who has diabetes and uses the same brand of test strips, you can give your unused test strips to them.
  3. Return them to the manufacturer: Some manufacturers have programs that allow customers to return unused test strips for a refund or credit.
  4. Dispose of them properly: If none of the above options are feasible, it is important to dispose of unused test strips properly. You can check with your local waste management company or pharmacy for guidelines on how to dispose of medical waste.
  5. Keep them as a backup: It may be a good idea to keep unused test strips in case you run out or need them in an emergency.


Selling diabetic test strips is controversial, as it involves the sale of medical supplies and the profit potential. It is important to consider the legal and ethical implications of selling diabetic test strips.

Before selling diabetic test strips, it is important to be transparent about the condition and age of the test strips. You can safely and legally sell your test strips with the right information and precautions.

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