What Happens If My Test Strips Become Damaged

What Happens If My Test Strips Become Damaged?

Diabetic test strips are sensitive devices designed to accurately measure blood glucose levels. If they become damaged, several things can occur:

Inaccurate Readings: Damaged strips can produce incorrect glucose readings, which could lead to improper insulin dosage or other treatment missteps.

No Reading: Some modern glucose meters can detect when a test strip is damaged and may refuse to give any reading at all.

Wasted Supplies: Damaged strips will need to be discarded, leading to a waste of supplies and potentially increased costs.

However, there’s good news for those with Medicare coverage. If your test strips are damaged due to unforeseen circumstances, such as emergencies or disasters, Medicare will typically replace your supplies. Ensure you report the damage promptly and provide necessary documentation if required.

To prevent damage:

  • Store strips in their original container away from direct sunlight and moisture.
  • Avoid dropping or bending the strips.
  • Ensure hands are clean and dry before handling.

If you suspect your strips have been compromised, it’s best to dispose of them and use a fresh strip to ensure accurate results.

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